Monday, June 30, 2014

Father Spirit 4

Father Spirit Part 4

1CH12.32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
I want to continue with The Father Spirit teachings as we have done with the three previous instalments in the past two weeks.
I desire that somebody will have an ear to hear this teaching.
GEN1.28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
The Father and Son relationship is not a response to the presence of satan and his demons.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Father Spirit 3 - Seedship

Editors Office 6/23/2014

The Father Spirit Part 3

Good day again.

It is a wonderful thing to have the Word preached and taught in our midst. We have seen the basic principles underlying the Father Spirit. We have also seen the spirit of death that has separated all kingdoms of species with the Father Spirit.

 Today we know that the earth is full of seeds that carry the Life of God. There is no other life except it be his Life alone. In Him we live and move and have our being. Seed life outside Fatherhood is meaningless. Many have tried to manipulate seed life outside the Father and Family principles. We have gone out in our perversion as humans to go plant seed wherever we wanted. Any seed; be it the seed in our loins or the seed in our hand has destination and only the Father Spirit will instruct where it needs to be planted. 
Seed belongs to the Father; all seed belongs to the Father. I do not want to equate seed that carries human life and seed that carry plant life; but all this life carried by these seeds have principles set by the Father. He set principles for these seeds in how they must be planted and when they need to be planted. 
Seasons have been set; places have been allocated even the pattern of planting the seeds have been given. Only those with Father Spirit will understand the sacredness of any seed in its own place. The first instruction given to mankind has to do with Seed. Man has been instructed to be Fruitful and Multiply. This Fruitfulness and Multiplication will need a seed in his loins and in his hand. This seed in his loins and in his hand has the Life of the Father.

 All life is sacred before God that is why we were asked not to eat the blood for life is in the blood. The rules of slaughtering livestock had nothing to do with tradition or animal worship; they were given so that all life has to be appreciated as it comes from God. All Life begins in Seed and Fathers have to understand the Seed. Therefore Sonship is primarily the relationship between the Father and Son ensuring the Fruitfulness and Multiplication of all seed taught to the next generation. 

Seedship as I coin it is the beginning of Sonship. The Son of God came down explaining this mystery of Seed. Matthew 13:24 New International Version Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. Now seed is the beginning of all life from the Father. This is not an old fashioned parable; the scriptures were spoken as timeless parables of an eternal Christ Mind. Therefore Seed was Seed then as it is still Seed now. The Kingdom is likened to a man (Father) SOWING SEED. The Kingdom is a forever Fruitful and Multiplying place. Fathers and Sons are custodians of a forever Fruitful and Multiplying Heaven/Earth. I have taught in one book how the Son is the place where Heaven and Earth meets. For Son is the Heir of the Kingdom. The Fathers and Sons therefore have to understand Seed and all principles that are carried by a Seed. Sonship is Seedship.


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Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Father Spirit Part 2

Editors Office 6/22/2014

The Father Spirit Part 2

By Prophet Vanto

Good morning to you once more. The Father Spirit we said; is the Spirit that brings order to all Kingdoms in the Universe as God the Father has ordained them. This is the Spirit that commands the Earth and its inhabitants to be fruitful and multiply. This is the Spirit that arrays Kingdoms of every species here on earth in the order of Families. The Father Spirit is in the DNA of everything in this earth as it is the Spirit of Life. This DNA is carried within the seeds that have been planted in the womb of this earth which is the topsoil. Every seed is divine for all life on this earth is the Life of the Father. The soil has become the Jacket and Womb of all seed that the Father has planted to this earth. He is the Head and the Father to this Earth as He is the Carrier of Seed Life that He brought to every square inch of this earth. He has imparted the Father Spirit to His Sons on Earth who will maintain the Kingdom order and instruction to all living that is on this earth. Fathers therefore are matured Sons of God that will ensure that all Seed on this Earth obeys the instruction of Fruitfulness and Multiplication. It is for this reason the creation is groaning yearning for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). The TOPSOIL that carries the SEEDS OF LIFE is crying for the manifestation of Sons who will guard the seed. Africa's TOPSOIL which is the womb of Life in the continent has been eroded by all those irresponsible inhabitants who do not carry the father spirit in them.

We need to be concerned about the Kingdom Order of the Next Generation of every life here on earth. Father Spirit concerns itself with the Sustain ability of all life here on earth. The Father Spirit begins with the Family of Human beings to first bring Order in this family.

 The Adamic Family is the one He has given the instruction to be fruitful and multiply and also become His steward for all His property that carries His Life which has Fruitfulness and Multiplication.

 When the Disorderly Life Virus called Satan entered here on earth he had to first create Disorderly Multiplication in Man so that all creation will follow suit. Satan and his angels were Kicked out of the Kingdom Order (Father Spirit Atmosphere) in Higher Heavens and dwelt in Lower Heavens of Disorder hence the Orphan Spirit because of being separated from the Father Spirit of Higher Heavens. The earth was cursed because of man; which means that Man carried this Virus first and has transferred it to the whole earth. Man begun to distort all seed planted in this earth. He first distorted his own seed and removed it from the Family Order of God. Family; Clan; Tribe and Nation ceased to be according to God's plan because Man began to pass the seed from his loins outside the sanctity of Marriage as God has instructed.

Generations that grew became fatherless and thus the Order of the Kingdom that preserves and sustains the Next Generation was destroyed. All the laws of life that were formerly kept from family institutions beginning from Adam had to be carried by external institutions. All life principle that comes from the Father Spirit was designed to dwell in Family Institution of every species so as to keep the Order of Fruitfulness and Multiplication. The Orphan Spirit was therefore born where all laws are kept by external institutions outside Family Structures. Democracy is an outcome of External Structures of Orphan Spirit that carries law. Though multiplication continued from planting of seed but there was no more fruitfulness. Churches today multiply in this spirit for the Orphan Spirit is the Greed that chases multiplication outside Father and Family Structure. Virus therefore is Life on the Loose that creates death everywhere. Sonship is therefore a lifestyle that returns all mankind back to family structure of the Kingdom Order as ordained by God.


posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Editors Office 6/21/2014

The Father Spirit

By Prophet Vanto

Good afternoon. 
Why are we fathered? 
What is a spiritual father? 

Why is it necessary to have a spiritual father? What is the fuss about being fathered? "I don't see a need of being fathered", "I don't have an urgency that needs a father's attention", " I am a self made success", "I don't need a father". God has created Kingdoms. Kingdoms of various species. Man, animal and plant has kingdoms. All these kingdoms carry seed. In this seed are families and generations. All of them have the same instruction from the Father: Be fruitful and multiply.